Merge Model

The Merge Model option allows two or more independent (complete or incomplete) models to be merged into a single model. Duplicate elements found in the base model and the merging model are treated differently according to the element type.

1. Entity and attribute names common to both models are considered common elements in the merged model. For example, if both models contain the entity type In-Box, the merged model will contain only the record from the base model in the Entities table for In-Box.

2. Duplicate locations, resources or path networks must first be renamed or deleted from the merging model. Otherwise, an error message occurs and the merge will terminate.

3. If the two models use different graphic libraries, ProModel will give the user the choice to append the merging model's graphic library to the base model's graphic library.

4. All other duplicate model elements cause a prompt to appear with the choice to delete the duplicate element from the merging model or cancel the merge process.